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The Tragedy of Vapour (Ecclesiastes 9:1-6)

By Ecclesiastes, Talks

In this talk, we explore one of the recurring themes throughout Ecclesiastes – the reality of death – and ask how this reality might shape the way we live now. Further, how should Christians approach death in light of a new, greater reality given to us in Christ Jesus?

A Drop of Eternity in our Vaporous Hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15)

By Ecclesiastes, Talks

In this second talk, the Teacher of Ecclesiastes zooms in on all our human activity under the sun to persuade us that the times and rhythms of life are outside of our control. Living well, therefore, is all about embracing joy as it comes to us. We do so by receiving the life God gives us as a gift without trying to find the ‘gain’ in it.

Everything is Vapour! (Ecclesiastes 1)

By Ecclesiastes, Talks

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. But what does that mean? In the first talk of our new series in Ecclesiastes – called “The Drama of Eternity” – Mitchell unpacks what this mysterious book is on about. Helpful for anyone who might be struggling with indecision, wrestling with having control in life, or wanting to find some stability and security in this fleeting and unpredictable world.