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Our Song in Christ (Psalm 98)

By Psalms, Talks, Uncategorized

Something magical happens when a song can speak straight into your heart. And in this song, we hear all of creation singing to God. Why? Because he is the saviour, the king, and the judge. And on the night when Jesus came into the world, he was met with singing – for the saviour, king, and judge of our heart has arrived.

The Grace of Christ (Psalm 103)

By Psalms, Talks

The grace of God is one of the greatest things that we can know, but it’s also one of the hardest to truly remember. In Psalm 103, David reminds his soul of all the good and gracious things that God has done for him, for Israel, and for all creation, as a way to remember this grace, and to call his heart to worship.

Worship in Christ (Psalm 95)

By Psalms, Talks

In Psalm 95, we get a picture of worshipping God with everything: our minds, our hearts, our voices, our bodies. But we can only do this because of Christ, who was the perfect worship leader for us, who sacrificed himself on our behalf, that God might look on our unimpressive worship with delight.