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Last Saturday (06/04/13) was Stafford’s first taste of Krosswerdz Hip-Hop Church. It was an amazing day with so many new faces and regulars coming together to praise God through Hip-Hop. Overall we had 60-70 people share in God’s word, a massive feast and an open mic session which travelled well into the night. We had amazing feedback from first timers who said they can not wait for the next get together.

Just a few prayer and praise points: Thank God for the amazing day we had and pray that we can build strong relationships with new members as well as help disciple regulars in their walk with God. Pray that the BBQ coming up on the 4th of May will help us to connect with new people and to share about Krosswerdz and why we do what we do. Thank God for the support VC/MPC has given us, not just financially, but for those people who came along and were a part of great conversation during the arvo.