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Future Church: Community

By Future Church, Talks

Today we’re starting a new series called Future Church. In this four-week vision series we’re going to be thinking about who we are and where we’re going as a church. Jesus tells us that: “Everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” At Village Church, we aim to show the love of Jesus to one another in everything we do: with open doors, with seats at our dinner tables, over coffee. We’re a community who longs for everyone to feel a real sense of love and belonging, because of the love that Christ has shown us. And that’s what we’re going to be exploring today: How we’re called to be a community who loves one another, to the glory of God.

Gentle & Lowly Pt 2: Our Heart

By Gentle & Lowly: A holiday series on the heart of Christ, Talks

We all think about something when we think about God; images or ideas we pick up throughout life. But thankfully, God doesn’t leave us to our own imaginations. He himself tells us who he is in his very heart: he is gentle & lowly. Last week, we explored Christ’s heart for us. This week, we’re going to explore our own heart and what it looks like to receive Christ’s gift of rest for our souls.

Gentle & Lowly Pt 1: Christ’s Heart

By Gentle & Lowly: A holiday series on the heart of Christ, Talks

We all think about something when we think about God; images or ideas we pick up throughout life. But thankfully, God doesn’t leave us to our own imaginations. He himself tells us who he is in his very heart: he is gentle & lowly. Over these next two weeks, we’re going to explore Christ’s heart. We’ll look at what he thinks and feels about us, as well as how we can be cultivating that same heart in ourselves.

I am Victorious (Ephesians 6:10-24)

By Ephesians, Talks

After last week in Ephesians – reflecting Christ in our daily relationships at home and work – it can be a shock to find Paul suddenly finishes with… fighting demons! But Christ’s victory over spiritual rulers and authorities, who seek to divide us from God and from each other, has been a theme throughout the letter. This final week in Ephesians, we’ll see why we need to take hold of that victory Christ has already won, and how we actually do that in practice.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

We are Family (Ephesians 5:21-6:9)

By Ephesians, Talks

This week Paul addresses some of our relationships: wife and husband, child and parent, worker and boss. What Paul says is controversial, especially in modern Australian culture. But we’ll see it was no less controversial in Paul’s own day. He’s not advocating any particular cultural norms, he’s challenging all of them, because he’s showing us the radical difference it makes to be *in Christ*.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am Wise (Ephesians 5:3-20)

By Ephesians, Talks

One of the hardest parts of the Christian life is living in two worlds at the same time: we’re a part of the church, a community saved by the light of Christ. But as Christians, we’re called to shine the light of Christ into the world. And in that, there are two dangers we can fall into: we can either try and protect ourselves behind walls so as to stay pure and not to be of the world, or we can become all things to all people so as to be in the world, and not really look any different. But Ephesians 5 helps us find this balance and live wisely in two worlds.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am New (Ephesians 4:17-5:2)

By Ephesians, Talks

In this passage we see Paul talk about how, we as Christians, have been changed. We are now new creations in Christ. As a result we are called to no longer live like the world. We are to take off the old and put on the new and seek to walk in love, as imitators of God and dearly loved children of God.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am Gifted (Ephesians 4:1-16)

By Ephesians, Talks

In the first half of Ephesians 4 Paul wants to show us that as the very body of Jesus we as the church are essential to his plans in our world. He’ll show us this through the big idea of UNITY.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.