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Warnings and Woes (Luke 11:14–12:3)

By Luke, Talks, Uncategorized

As Jesus continues to make his way toward the cross, he confronts a tapestry of unbelief: those who deny Jesus, those who make demands of Jesus, and those who destroy the word and work of Jesus. Through these strong warnings, we find that it matters how you get Jesus. Yet tucked away in these three warnings and six woes is also one blessing. And we’re told how we can receive God’s blessing for ourselves.

The Nature of Discipleship (Luke 10:1–11:13)

By Luke, Talks, Uncategorized

As Jesus begins his journey to Jerusalem, and toward the cross, he begins to unpack to those around him what the pattern of the cross looks like for his followers. In some of the most famous stories every told, we hear about the Good Samaritan and the Lord’s Prayer, and how these point to a new heart that God has given us – one that re-shapes our priorities and relationships.

Proclaim (2 Timothy 3:10-4:22)

By 2 Timothy, Talks, Uncategorized

The closing of 2 Timothy brings us in on some of Paul’s final words before he’s put to death for his Christian faith. In this final speech, he wants to make sure that his spiritual son Timothy has everything he needs to stand firm in the gospel. Similarly, Christians today live in a hostile culture, and an immature faith will not cut it when living in Australia. Therefore, we need to take to heart Paul’s final words in order to stand firm today and pass the good news about Jesus on to others.

Life in the Last Days (2 Timothy 2:14-3:9)

By 2 Timothy, Talks

As we begin a new year together it’s worth exploring how we can make this year count. That is, how we might be useful to God and be used by him to help our friends escape the trap of the devil. In 2 Timothy 2-3 we see that the crisis Timothy is facing is actually a normal part of the Christian life in the “last days”. And what Paul says to Timothy is that if he wants to be used by God, then he needs to become an approved worker – someone who has God’s stamp of approval. In this talk, we discover what God’s stamp approval is, why we need it and how we can get it.

Faith Family Tree (2 Timothy 1)

By 2 Timothy, Talks

Why is it so difficult to talk to our friends about Jesus? It turns out the issue isn’t so different now as it was for Timothy: it’s because of the fear of shame. Yet the gospel is always only ever one generation from extinction. So if we want to keep our “faith family tree” growing and not die out with us, we need to learn how to listen well and speak well when it comes to sharing the gospel with those around us.