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Ten-Year Anniversary Talk (Colossians 4)

By Holiday Talks, Talks

In celebrating 10 years of God’s kindness to us at Village Church, it’s fitting that we remember what God has made us: a group of people saved in his Gospel, who are all partners in his Gospel. Doug Wannenburgh from Mitchelton Presbyterian Church shares with us a message of encouragement to us at Village Church, in looking back of ten years as a church, and looking forward to what God has called us to.

The Seven Lampstands (Revelation 2-3)

By Revelation, Talks

In these chapters, the risen Christ gives messages to seven churches in Asia Minor, with encouragements, warnings, promises and blessings. But these messages weren’t only for their churches; every one of these seven messages was meant for every one of those churches, as well as every church across history, to be reminded that lampstands emit light by loving and worshipping Jesus Christ, whatever that looks like in their context of faithfulness, wealth, persecutions, and temptations.

The Faithful Witness (Revelation 1)

By Revelation, Talks, Uncategorized

In the opening vision of Revelation, the risen Christ appears to John to encourage him, in the “affliction, kingdom, and endurance that are in Jesus.” This vision of Christ is glorious, his words are comforting, and this vision opens the door for all the hope that is about to come throughout the book.

Waiting For the True King (1 Samuel 27-31)

By 1 Samuel, Talks

In these final chapters of 1 Samuel, we see David and Saul’s lives contrasted one last time. As has been the case all along, God has been with his humble, Anointed King. And as we leave this story, with David’s final days in the wilderness, and Saul’s final days on earth, we’re left waiting for God’s true King, Jesus Christ, who would sacrifice his life to save his people, and would never fail to rule with humility and grace.

The Merciful King (1 Samuel 24-26)

By 1 Samuel, Talks

In these chapters, we see David showing great mercy to Saul, to trust in God to give him the kingdom. But we also see David given to violent anger and pursuing women he shouldn’t have. We see that, if David is going to become king, God needs to show mercy to him. This leaves us waiting for the true, merciful king, whose mercy never fails: Jesus Christ.