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A High Priest Forever (Hebrews 7)

By Hebrews, Talks

You might not have heard of Melchizedek (and for good reason; he only appears in two short passages in the Old Testament). But to the Pastor of the Hebrew church, he’s a vital figure figure foreshadowing Jesus and his eternal priesthood. Our guest preacher Steve Young helps to walk us through this tricky passage.

An Anchor for the Soul (Hebrews 5:11-6:20)

By Hebrews, Talks

The Pastor both warns the church that they are spiritually lazy, and encourages them because they’re showing the fruit of genuine faith. So which is it? In this passage, we see that we need both warnings and promises to stay strong in our Christian walk, to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus.

A Remedy for a Hard Heart (Hebrews 3:1–4:13)

By Hebrews, Talks

How do you like your heart? When the Pastor is preaching to the church about the need to hear the word of God, he gives them a vision of Israel’s hard hearts and call them to hear more closely, with a soft heart. In applying this, he gives them two habits to grow soft hearts: the habit of community, and the habit of meeting God in his word.

Jesus is Better (Hebrews 1)

By Hebrews, Talks

The book of Hebrews was written by a loving Pastor to a church struggling to follow Jesus. In their temptation to drift away, the Pastor urges them to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus. Look to the Son – see how amazing he is! Now look at what’s he’s done for you!  For us we see that since Jesus is better at revealing God than anything that’s come before, we must pay closer attention to him when we ourselves are tempted to drifty away.

New Creation (Revelation 21:1-22:5)

By miscellaneous, Talks

When we imagine heaven, we can dream of everything from clouds to five-star resorts to our favourite code of football. But when the Bible paints a picture of heaven, the central hope is that we will finally, truly live with God. In this holiday talk, John Phillpotts walks us through the imagery of hope in these chapters, and helps us to see the true hope of heaven that the Bible gives us.

Community Group Equipping Booklet (Evangelism)

By Evangelism, Training Booklet
Community Groups start up again this week. For the first gathering of each term we hope to provide some equipping for the group. Sam will be spending the evening with each group (on a screen), talking about what it means for us to share our faith with others. The booklet will compliment a video and provide the basis for some rich discussion and sharing. Find the booklet here.