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The God Who is Faithful (Exodus 1-2)

By Exodus, Talks

After four-hundred years of slavery, the Israelites could easily have felt that God had forgotten his promises. But through these events, God was at work to fulfil his promises to bless his people. And through his people multiplying, and through this little baby Moses, God begins to show us his great plan of redemption.

When Our Heroes Fail (2 Samuel 11-12)

By Summer Series, Talks

It can be hard to know what to do when our heroes fail. Our media is always telling us that people are heroes or villains, and it’s easy to see people in these clear categories. But in the story of David we can see that even one of the greatest figures of the Bible was capable of incredibly destructive sin. In this we can see that we’re all capable of being both heroes and villains–and we all need to be saved by a hero who lived without sin, and who could make us white as snow.

The Backward Trial (Luke 22:63-23:16)

By Summer Series, Talks

When Christ stood on trial, it looked as though he was powerless, and doomed to death. But in this moment, there was a great irony: Jesus Christ, the one being condemned, is actually the  who would judge all people, was being condemned. In this moment, everything was turned on its head. And for us, as we face Jesus, it’s a real wake-up call to consider where we are placing our identity.

New Year, New Me (Romans 6:1-11)

By Summer Series, Talks

As we start the new year, there can be a sense that we’re starting life afresh. After a few weeks, though, the resolutions and the newness always seem to fade away. But if we trust in Christ, there’s a genuine sense in which we can become new this year (and any time). We can die to sin, and be alive to God in Christ Jesus: the only way to make our lives new this new year.

The Final Chorus (Psalm 150)

By Psalms, Summer Series, Talks

The end of the year gives us an opportunity to reflect on all the ways God’s been faithful to us. In all of the good and all of the difficult things we’ve faced, God knows we struggle to find words to bring them to him, and so he gives us the words himself. And in the final Psalm, we see the final act of our story: all our voices, for all eternity, will be praising God.

The recording has a prayer of thanksgiving mid-way through, and finishes with a performed version of Psalm 150, written by Noralyn.

An Extra Ordinary Faith (Luke 1:46–55)

By Extra Ordinary Story, Talks

When an angel appears to Mary, bringing her good news from God, she doesn’t straight away believe it. Rather, her journey toward faith happens in stages. In this talk, we look at how Mary’s journey can teach us many things about our own journeys, and that when it comes to trusting God, we have an even greater reason than Mary did.

An Extra Ordinary Visit (Luke 2:8-20)

By Extra Ordinary Story, Talks

Sometimes it hurts to find ourselves on the outside. We feel rejected or looked-over or very, very ordinary. But when God began his great work in our world by sending his son, Jesus, he first appeared to some lowly shepherds out in a field. Far from coming to the “important” people first, God displayed his glory to those people at the bottom of the social ladder. This shows us how God’s salvation is for everyone – from the greatest to the least. No matter who you are, Jesus Christ came to love and serve you, and God shows us our value by entrusting his message of salvation to ordinary people like us.

Extra Ordinary Birth (Luke 2:1-7)

By Extra Ordinary Story, Talks

When it comes to how we tell the traditional Christmas story, there are a few things that don’t quite add up. In this talk, Sam unpacks how the birth of Jesus would have looked a lot more ordinary than we usually think. And this shows us how our God loves to work through weak, ordinary, broken people and places. Because of this, we can expect that our extraordinary God will be working in all the ordinary parts of our lives.