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Love Triumphs (Ruth 4:1-12)

By Ruth, Talks

We all imagine ourselves as the hero from time to time. Yet for God’s plan to succeed in this world we the “main character” must sit in the shade while God sends his redeemer to work on our behalf to rescue us, secure a new life for us, and bring hope to all people. For we see that it’s in Boaz, and ultimately in Jesus Christ, that love truly triumphs.

Love Overflows (Ruth 2:17-23)

By Ruth, Talks

“Redemption” is something that we often hear associated with God, but we can sometimes think of it in purely spiritual terms. Yet, in the majority of uses in the Old Testament, the word spoke about people practically and physically working to redeem one another. In this passage, Boaz sacrifices, takes ownership of the problem, and follows through. And in this, we see a picture of the God who gives everything to redeem his people, ultimately in the Lord Jesus.

Love Endures (Ruth 2:1-16)

By Ruth, Talks

In their culture, Ruth was the lowest class of all people: a foreign woman. Yet, Boaz sees how vulnerable she is, and he shows her special favour, by handing her his grain–effectively handing her a half-a-month’s salary from his wallet–until she has an abundance. This is the kind of love that God has for those who are vulnerable and far-off. Once, we were all foreigners to the household of God. But now, through the blood of Christ, God makes us one.

Love Grieves (Ruth 1:14-21)

By Ruth, Talks

When we are faced with suffering, it can be tempting to give in to bitterness, or cynicism. But in these verses, we return to Bethlehem with Naomi and Ruth, and we are reminded of two reasons not to give up: God has an unwavering love for his people (a small part of which we can see in Ruth). And with God, there is always hope around the corner.

Love Breaks (Ruth 1:8-14)

By Ruth, Talks

In this talk, we see Naomi confronted with hesed love: an unbreakable, covenantal love. And in the face of that love, she laments. Of the two women with her, Orpah kissed Naomi goodbye, “but Ruth clung to her.” In Ruth we can see deep, selfless love for her mourning mother-in-law. But more than that, we can catch a glimpse of the unbreakable, covenantal love that God has for his people in Christ.

Love Dies (Ruth 1:1-7)

By Ruth, Talks

Sometimes when we are in the crucible of suffering, our first instinct is to run as far from it as possible. But in this talk, the first in our series on Ruth, Sam McGeown explores another way: that it’s in this crucible that God works most powerfully in us, and that when we are faced with suffering, our ego dies, and our capacity to love sacrificially grows.

clicking here.

Dying to Live (John 12)

By John, Talks

The hour has now come. The Messiah resolutely sets his face toward his own death. In our last talk in our “John: Unveiled” series, where do we find the hearts of God’s historic people? And what does it mean for the Son of God to walk toward his own death? John 12 has a little bit of something for everyone as we work out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus who follows their saviour into death.

clicking here.

The Resurrection (John 11)

By John, Talks

Grief. Loss. Mourning. Suffering. We can’t live in this world without experiencing the tragedies of life. In this talk, we look at the new narrative Jesus gives us in the face of death. He is the resurrection. He is the life that faces death. But he’s also the life that faces death and weeps. And as such, he’s an example to us all that we do not grieve without hope, but neither do we hold to our hope without grieving.