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The Good Shepherd (John 10)

By John, Talks

“How do I find fulfilment in life?” is likely a question we’ve all asked at some point. In this talk, our friend Neil Hunt takes us through John 10 as we explore what it means for Jesus to fulfil God’s promise to be our One Shepherd who leads us into an abundant life. And it all hinges on Jesus’ enigmatic phrase: the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.

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I AM (John 8)

By John, Talks

What’s going on in there? Sometimes we see things from an outside perspective and think we know exactly what’s going on. But in John 8, we see Jesus going to work sifting the faith of his hearers to unveil exactly what’s going on inside of them. It’s a passage about genuine faith – and how we as Christians can know whether our faith is genuine or counterfeit. Because in chapter 8, John unveils three blessings that prove to be the mark of authentic faith: light, freedom, and life.

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The Messiah (John 7)

By John, Talks

Jesus is confusing. His words and works have been met with confusion, division, and polarisation all the way through history including the time when he walked on earth. In chapter 7 of his Gospel, John unveils why this is. And in contrast he unveils God’s heart of love toward us despite our confusion of who Jesus is.

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(talk) In Motion: God’s Mission in John

By John, Talks

All throughout his Gospel, John unveils how Jesus is the long awaited Messiah who has been sent by his Father to accomplish a specific mission at a specific time and through a specific action. In this talk, Sam McGeown unpacks the theme of “mission” in John’s Gospel and helps us understand the continuation and motivation between Jesus’ mission and our own.

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Living Water (John 4)

By John, Talks

There are so many ways we try to satisfy our thirst. There are so many things we do in the dark that we feel ashamed of. And yet, Jesus meets us in the brilliance of the midday sun to tell us that he knows – he knows the depths of our heart. He knows all of the ways we try to satisfy our cravings outside of him. And yet he loves us all the same. That is the message of the gospel: that despite our sin and shame, Christ’s sacrifice on the cross means we can receive His Spirit – a Spirit that bubbles up inside of us like living water. And it’s this message that Philip unpacks in his talk on John 4: how the gospel breaks down all barriers and satisfies us with new life.

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The Light (John 3)

By John, Talks

Perhaps one of the most well-known stories in the New Testament is the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. In this talk, we unpack what exactly Jesus is getting at when he repeatedly tells Nicodemus that in order to see God and what he’s doing in this world “you must be born again.” Steeped with imagery between light and darkness, John wants us to know that Jesus is the Light, who’s come into our world because of his great love for us, in order to bring us out of darkness and into eternal life.