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Where You’re At (Mission 2b) Acts 17

By Acts, Talks

As Paul walks around Athens his belief in Jesus doesn’t cause him to look down or patronise those who are different from him. Instead, he sees it as a point of learning. He realises he’s surrounded by real people with real needs and through love he engages with them in a language they’ll understand. Why? Because the gospel addresses everyone’s deepest human need.

VC Update and Future

By community, news, updates

Over the past year there have been plenty of things to give thanks for at Village Church. The growth of our Internationals community; the starting of playgroup within Kelvin Grove; the opportunity for Nat to run church in the detention centre; the development of the kids ministry team under Lauren and as we head into Christmas the Carols are shaping up to connect and share the Gospel with even more of our local community than ever before.

So while we want to talk about the exciting things that have been and are happening, we need to stop to acknowledge that there are also some hard things going on (the search for a new lead pastor), and that the next 6 months are going to be a time of significant change but also opportunity. It’s going to be painful for some and provide uncertainty for many, so at this time it’s worth us – even while we celebrate and remember the good things God is doing – recognising the hard things for what they are, talking about them as a Church community, and seeing the opportunities to serve in different ways.

Below is a quick update on where the search is at, and what the next few months is going to look like for us all. (Click tabs to expand on each section.)
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