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Hope Unmasked (Mark 16)

By Mark

Jesus isn’t dead, he’s alive! And there’s no better day than Easter Sunday to remember that God is inviting us to experience the resurrection of Jesus. An invitation that gives real power and hope to those who believe.

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Alone in Mask

By Mark, Talks

Why is Jesus in such agony leading up to his death? Didn’t he know this was going to happen? It’s because Jesus is facing something that no-one else has handled before, God’s wrath so that we don’t have to.

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Q1 2014 Village Update

By news, updates

Just to keep you up to date with all that’s going on around the Village community, here’s the first quarter update. It’s got what the staff team has been doing, how the finances are tracking, and what’s coming up in the next few months. Grab it here.

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Living Unmasked (Mark 11)

By Mark, Talks

We’re back into Mark, picking up where we left off in 2013. Jesus is in Jerusalem, in conflict with the religious leaders…pushing them to come to God honestly, repentently…to unmask themselves & give up their hypocrisy.

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