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Hope in the Rubble (2 Kings 25)

By 2 Kings, Talks

In the last chapter of 2 Kings, it  seems  like all hope is undone. For many years, God has been making promises to  his people, and  they have slowly become realised: for a land, to become a  great nation, for the temple, for a king. But in chapter 25, one-by-one, each of these is undone. It seems like all of God’s promises have failed, and God’s people are in devastation. But in the final story of  the book, we get a glimmer of hope, that maybe God’s promises still have a hope of being fulfilled. The final king in the line  of David is being cared for, even in exile. God loves to give hope in  the darkest places.

Josiah: Teenage Revival (2 Kings 21–22)

By 2 Kings, Talks

As our series in 2 Kings approaches its pointy end, we see two kings contrasted against each other: Manasseh & Josiah. The first was one of the worst, the second was one of the best. And yet, not even Josiah – for all his amazing reform – could stay God’s hand of judgement against the sins of his people. What we need is a king who is like Josiah but better: absorbing the wrath of God in our place.

Judgement From Jehu (2 Kings 9-10)

By 2 Kings, Talks

After God appoints Jehu to be his assassin, 2 Kings almost seems to turn into a Tarantino film. After years of patience, God finally steps in through Jehu to defeat all those who have been railing against him and his people. This raises a lot of hard questions about God’s judgement. But whilst facing these questions alongside the peace that Christ provides, Mitch helps us to see God’s plan in this passage.

Prophets of Fire (2 Kings 1–2)

By 2 Kings, Talks

After spending a few years journeying through the books of Samuel & Kings as a church, this is the end of the stories in the kings of Israel. In this talk, Philip opens our new series by exploring stories of life & death in God’s history of his people, as we watch God’s words being fulfilled through a new prophet – Elisha – whom God raises up to speak truth to power.