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Humility (Mark 9:30-50) – Audio Technical Difficulties

By Mark, Talks

All of us have a certain shape to how we make decisions. What we value in life. Who we want to be. What we prioritise. But one of the things that comes with following Jesus is a total re-shaping of our values & direction or aim in life. In this passage, Jesus helps us undertand why he pushes us toward certain ways of living. But he also gives us the power to keep following him – however messy it looks.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-29)

By Mark, Talks

Sometimes Jesus says some pretty challenging words to his followers. But if you had the choice to gain the whole world right now, to have everything this world has to offer or to wait to have something promised to us in the future, which would you take? How can we know that following Jesus is worth it? How can we be sure that following Him, through thick and thin, and with everything that we have, is the right investment, is not a waste of time, nor a waste of our lives? In response to his disciples and our concerns we have one of the most dazzling episodes in the Bible-the transfiguration. Here we will catch a glimpse of God’s glory and find the courage and resolve to follow Jesus wherever He chooses to lead us.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

Can You See? (Mark 8:1–30)

By Mark, Talks

As we wrap up our series in the first half of Mark’s gospel, all the questions raised are coming to a head. Who is Jesus? How can we know him? What does it mean to see him clearly? In Mark 8, the passage moves from blindness to sight, and if we are joining along, we too will see who Jesus is, as our powerful and compassionate God, who has come to die for our sake.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

A Pure Heart (Mark 7)

By Mark, Talks

In Mark 7 we find two different responses to Jesus. The response of the religious person whose heart is far from God but who looks the part. And the response of the repentant person, who understands that God is not interested in purely a change on the surface but is more interested in a pure heart.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

All Things New (Mark 6)

By Mark, Talks

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen the power of Jesus on full display in his healings & authority over evil. In this passage, Mark shows us another dimension of Jesus’ power: his ability to make all things new. Today we’re going to be seeing how Jesus came to give us new life at great cost to himself.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

Jesus, Hope for the Vulnerable (Mark 4:35–5:43)

By Mark, Talks

What can we do in the face of often overwhelming and confronting vulnerability for us as human beings? This week we’ll see four episodes of people in desperate and potentially hopeless positions. Jesus will speak and act to bring blessing but also confront our frail, broken humanity. We will be asked to draw near to Jesus in trust and faith, rather than shrink back in fear and unbelief.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.