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The Way of Christ (Psalm 1)

By Psalms, Talks

In our opening talk of our new Psalms series, Nick Brennan shows us how Psalms 1 is the gateway to all the Psalms. It gives us an image of the righteous man, flowing with life, that’s ultimately fulfilled in Christ. But when we trust in him, we are united with him, and this Psalm, as well as all other Psalms, become ours as well.

The Final Chorus (Psalm 150)

By Psalms, Summer Series, Talks

The end of the year gives us an opportunity to reflect on all the ways God’s been faithful to us. In all of the good and all of the difficult things we’ve faced, God knows we struggle to find words to bring them to him, and so he gives us the words himself. And in the final Psalm, we see the final act of our story: all our voices, for all eternity, will be praising God.

The recording has a prayer of thanksgiving mid-way through, and finishes with a performed version of Psalm 150, written by Noralyn.

Sing With Jesus (Psalm 91)

By Psalms, Talks

Humanity may be fragile and frail. But those who rest in the shadow of the Almighty don’t have to fear destruction. In this talk, Phil Campbell takes us through Psalm 91 and traces the psalmist’s words through the Bible until they’re found on the lips of Jesus and the devil as they go head to head in the desert.

Psalm 131: A Heart at Peace

By Psalms, Summer Series, Talks

What does it feel like to have a heart at peace? How can we wean ourselves off of the gifts of God to get to a place where we’re content to simply have God himself – to sit in his lap like a little child? In this talk, Philip McGann takes us through the Psalm which is thought to be the “easiest to read and hardest to learn.” And he provides helpful tips along the way to check the health levels of our fickle human heart.