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Follow Me (Matthew 4:12–25)

By As It Is In Heaven, Matthew, Talks


Following Jesus is hard work. That’s why God calls us to turn around and help others follow him. We call this discipleship. In this talk, we watch as Jesus calls his first disciples. We’ll see where discipleship begins, and where God wants to take us. Hopefully by the end we’ll have some idea of how we can be a community that makes and matures disciples who are radically committed to the cause of Christ.

Temptations (Matthew 4:1–11)

By As It Is In Heaven, Matthew, Talks


In one of those classic scenes in the Bible, Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. Why? In this talk, Philip explores the temptations of Christ and how Jesus’ story can become our own pattern for remaining faithful to God in our day-to-day lives.

Heaven Has Come Near (Matthew 3)

By As It Is In Heaven, Matthew, Talks


Out of all the words we don’t really love to hear, repent is probably right near the top. But what does repentance actually mean? And why was John the Baptist so keen to get this message out as he prepares the way for Jesus? Sam explores that and more as we start our new series looking at the early ministry & teaching of Jesus.

Purity (1 Peter 1:13-25)

By 1 Peter, Living Hope, Talks

For Peter, knowing God and what he’s done for us in Jesus is what gives life its richness. That’s why he never separates doctrine from how we live our lives. In this passage, Peter builds on the living hope we have in the gospel to show us how it impacts the way we live loves of love & purity.

Living Hope (1 Peter 1:1–13)

By 1 Peter, Living Hope, Talks

As we start a new year, we’re going to be spending four weeks thinking about our new birth into a living hope. Peter opens his letter by reminding us who we are: that is, just as Christ Jesus was chosen by God his Father, so too we have been chosen. There is nothing random or arbitrary about who or where we are. And this reality is what feeds our hope to keep following after Jesus.

An Extra Ordinary Birth (Luke 2:1-7)

By An Extra Ordinary Christmas, Talks

Most of life is not as exciting as the Christmas season! There are lots of things we do which seem mundane or just plain ordinary. So where does the Christmas story fit into our day-to-day lives? The story sounds so magical and fantastical, but what does it have to do with getting up for work, washing the dishes, or running errands? In this talk, we hope to see the Christmas story from another angle and see how it is good news for a Monday morning.

An Extra Ordinary Visit (Luke 2:8-20)

By An Extra Ordinary Christmas, Talks

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt like you were left on the shelf? A time when you were rejected or abandoned or dismissed? A time that made you feel like you were worthless, expendable, unnoticed, just plain ordinary? Maybe you feel that’s the story of your life. It can leave you feeling emotionally drained. Today we are going to meet a group of shepherds who fit many of these descriptions. And as we meet them, we are going to see the difference it can make when you are the one who receives an extraordinary message from the living God.