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I am Gifted (Ephesians 4:1-16)

By Ephesians, Talks

In the first half of Ephesians 4 Paul wants to show us that as the very body of Jesus we as the church are essential to his plans in our world. He’ll show us this through the big idea of UNITY.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am Loved (Ephesians 3)

By Ephesians, Talks

Last week we saw how God is in the business of bringing together people from all different backgrounds. This week, Paul shows us how this gathering of people is best experienced in the church. In fact, the church is God’s great plan for displaying his wisdom in the world as together we navigate love & suffering.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

We are Reconciled (Ephesians 2:11-22)

By Ephesians, Talks

In the second half of Ephesians, the apostle calls the church to remember. He wants to make sure we do not forget where we have come from, and by God’s grace, what we have become. Remembering who we are in Christ will impact how we relate to God and other people. It will do something about the prejudices we hold so tightly to, and it has the power to knock down and build up.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am Alive (Ephesians 2:1-10)

By Ephesians, Talks

So far in Ephesians, Paul’s trying to help us feel more deeply just how richly blessed we are in Christ. But it can be hard to appreciate until we realise the alternative. That’s what Paul helps us see this week.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am Rich (Ephesians 1:15-23)

By Ephesians, Talks

When we ask people to pray for us or when we pray for others, we often pray for practical things like a better job, good exam results, a good night’s sleep, etc. These are all good things to pray for. We should cast all our cares upon God. But when the apostle Paul prays for the church in Ephesus, he prays for something that we don’t often pray for. He prays that they might know God better. He prays for other things that we very rarely ask for prayer for. Yet these very things may be the very glue that holds our faith and our lives together.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

I am in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-14)

By Ephesians, Talks

Who were you made to be? ⁠In many ways, this is one of the biggest questions of our culture. But how do we find out who we really are? There are so many ways that we can seek self-discovery, self-actualising, or self-awareness, that can help give us some answers. But in the letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul gives us a staggering claim: To be alive in Christ is to become what humanity was always meant to be. ⁠This term in Ephesians, we’ll be exploring what it means to be made alive, to live our new life in Christ; about who we are in Christ in every part of life. ⁠

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.

Easter Sunday (Mark 15:42-16:8)

By Mark, Talks

Dead people don’t rise from the dead. Well, they only do if they are zombies or ghosts! And we know just how real they are. This is the place where the resurrection of Jesus is often placed. In the realm of fantasy and fairy tale. It just isn’t real. Dead people don’t rise from the dead! But yet, the theme of resurrection runs throughout many stories in our culture. Movies and shows with last-minute turnarounds and surprises clutter our streaming services. Death feels so wrong and unnatural. We feel robbed by time stolen from the passing of our loved ones. We thirst for life and spurn death. When someone dies we say “RIP-Rest in Peace” but if there is no life after death then where is the Resting in Peace? Our world is crying out for more. Crying out for the possibility that there might be more to life than what is in front of our eyes. Crying out for hope. And that hope is what we will be looking at this Sunday. Not only looking at, but celebrating and enjoying.

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you.