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Stories of Hope (John 20)

By Stories of Hope - Easter Holiday Series, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week kicks off our Easter holiday series, Stories of Hope. Pastor Sam opens up John chapter 20, and examines three stories of hope found in Jesus, that are echoed over and over again in the lives of his followers today.

The Gospel on Trial (Acts 24-26)

By Uncategorized

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week we are continuing out series in Acts, with Phil opening up chapters 24-26 and examining how Paul uses his testimony to preach the gospel message during his trial, and how we can learn to use our stories for the Gospel too.

Gospel Unstoppable (Acts 27-28)

By Acts, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week Sam wraps up our sermon series in Acts, considering that Gods work is often most clearly seen in the journey, rather than the destination; and how Paul’s arrival in Rome is still just the beginning of Jesus’ action and teaching in this world.

Under Control (Acts 21:25-23:35)

By Acts, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week we are blessed to have our mission partners Keith and Marion Birchley with us, with Uncle Keith continuing our series, in Acts 21-23.

Forgettable Heroes: 
Memorable Nonentities
 (Acts 18-19)

By Acts, Talks

Straight from the heart of Papua New Guinea, “Uncle Keith” – our Gospel Partner – joins us at Village to open up Acts 18&19. In this talk, Keith explores two characters: heroes and nobodies, and how it is that God uses both in his own way to get his word out.

Shine Like Stars (Acts 16)

By Acts, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week we are in Acts 16.  Mitch examines what it takes to be a church that is a shining light in the darkness, and how that light is made up of – and reaches out to – people from all walks of life.