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Choices in Christ (1 Corinthians 7:25-40)

By 1 Corinthians, Talks

As we come to chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians, Paul starts to address some of the most challenging areas of life, including marriage and singleness. In this talk, Jeremy helps us to see the foundation that Paul lays for how we can make decisions in these areas of life: the priority of honouring Christ with our lives, and how that should shape our decision-making in every area of life.

Right Judgement (1 Corinthians 5:1-6:11)

By 1 Corinthians, Talks

As we start to think about God’s vision for the purity of sex, we come to another complicated struggle in the Corinthian church: a man sleeping with his father’s wife. Into this situation, Paul reminds the church of the power of making right judgements—with clarity, without hypocrisy—and how important this is for maintaining health in the church.

Upside Down Values (1 Corinthians 1:10-31)

By 1 Corinthians, Talks

As we get into the letter, we see that the Corinthians are being proud and headstrong. So in response to their strength, Paul speaks the message of the weak and foolish gospel to them, to persuade them to become a weak church, who trust in the weakness of the cross, and not in the strength of personality or influence.