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Love Covers Our Shame (Genesis 1)

By He Covers Our Shame, Talks

In Western culture, we tend to think and make decisions according to right and wrong; whether we will be innocent or guilty because of something. But in many other cultures, and in the culture the Bible was written to, they thought in terms of honour and shame. And in many ways, our culture works according to the values of honour and shame, but without having a language for it. In this first talk of the series, Sam gives us an overview of shame in our culture and in the Bible. He starts by looking at the idea of being made in God’s image, and how that should speak into our shame.

(Panel) Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Church

By Holiday Talks, Talks

Given that 45% of Australians will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime (and 1 in 5 Australian’s will face this every year), we think it’s crucial to discuss this topic within the life of the church. We hope that this special Holiday Panel will highlight some of the struggles and help us understand ways in which we can better care for ourselves and others.

Here are some great local resources mentioned near the end of the talk:

Phone Numbers:
Lifeline……13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service……1300 65 94 67
Men’s Line……1300 78 99 78
Kids Helpline……1800 55 1800
Alcohol & Other Drug Hotline……1800 250 015
Parent-line……1300 30 1300

Online Resources:

Dr. Carolyn Russell – Caring for Self, Caring for Others

By Holiday Talks, Talks

In our first talk on Pastoral Care, Dr. Carolyn shows us how all pastoral care finds its beginning in Master Care – that is, we look to our Heavenly Father as the source of all comfort and care in this world. From there, Carolyn builds upon portraits of pastoral care from figures in the Bible – like Jesus and Paul – as she fleshes out what it looks like to be a healthy community that is living within the boundaries that God has created for us while we care for one another.

Outside the Camp (Hebrews 13)

By Hebrews, Talks

In this, the final talk in our series on Hebrews, Sams vividly takes us through what the Pastor of Hebrews’ culminating response to the superiority of Christ means for the church: meeting Christ outside the camp. This is not an easy race to run but in it is redemption, hope and resurrection life. Moreover, the Pastor emphasises the need to do this together, not alone.

The Unshakeable Reality (Hebrews 10)

By Hebrews, Talks

As the Pastor wraps up his argument about Jesus being the great High Priest, he gives one final warning to the church. And in this warning does everything he can to wake them up from the shadows of the Old Testament, and into the reality of the unshakeable truth, the unshakeable community, and the unshakeable home that we have in Christ.

Covenant and Sacrifice (Hebrews 8-9)

By Hebrews, Talks

Like children, we can live for what we want. But these chapters show us what we really need: a great high priest to bring us near to God. Guest speaker Nick Brennan helps us to walk through these tricky passages, to understand the hope we have because of the faithfulness and mercy of our great high priest.