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(talk) The Word (John 1:1-18)

By John, Talks

John’s Gospel is like no other – poetic, evocative, jam-packed with imagery. And John’s prologue (the first 18 verses) is like the entrance to a building: the place John invites us into that helps provide a context for what’s to come. In this talk, we explore the themes John raises by paying special attention to this mysterious figure called “the Word.” Who is this “Word?” Why is he here? What did he accomplish? How does his coming change the entire course of human history?

Love For Others (Jonah 4)

By Jonah, Talks

In the final talk in our mini-series through Jonah, Jayesh beautifully takes us through the main reason why the author wrote this book. And in so doing, he compares and contrasts Jonah’s love for others with God’s love for his creation – and how we as Christians might live in light of God’s generous mercy toward us in Jesus.

The Fear of God (Jonah 1)

By Jonah, Talks

In this talk, our good friend Jayesh takes us through the first chapter of Jonah in this series he’s called “The Portrait of a Pathetic Prophet.” The fear of God is a massive topic to consider, particularly as our culture seems to have given up language that helps us grasp “fear” as a potentially good and healthy emotion. Jayesh puts it to us that when it comes to God, we should not primarily relate to Him in fear, and yet neither should we abandon this way of relating to God altogether.

The Tragedy of Vapour (Ecclesiastes 9:1-6)

By Ecclesiastes, Talks

In this talk, we explore one of the recurring themes throughout Ecclesiastes – the reality of death – and ask how this reality might shape the way we live now. Further, how should Christians approach death in light of a new, greater reality given to us in Christ Jesus?

Broken and Bold

By community, news, updates

Last week Village Church introduced a new song written by our own David Cook. We recorded Dave & Bron teaching this new song to our congregation which you can listen to below!

Broken and Bold

You gave us sight
You opened up our eyes
And showed us the way
You gave us life
You pulled us from the fire
Our destinies changed

We’re bold because we know of your grace
Broken cause we know that we’re lost without you
Caught up in your wonderful ways
Like beggars we are on our knees
Like warriors we cry victory

You showed us love
You promise you’re enough
We’re never alone
You lift us high
You’ve seated us with Christ
Right there at your throne


There comes a day
Your son will come again
Perfection revealed
And we who say
‘We trust in Jesus name’
You’ll dry all our tears


A Drop of Eternity in our Vaporous Hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15)

By Ecclesiastes, Talks

In this second talk, the Teacher of Ecclesiastes zooms in on all our human activity under the sun to persuade us that the times and rhythms of life are outside of our control. Living well, therefore, is all about embracing joy as it comes to us. We do so by receiving the life God gives us as a gift without trying to find the ‘gain’ in it.