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Acts 2 – Community Group Study Notes

By Acts, Studies

Big Idea:

The hope of God, the promise of Israel, is found in Jesus: God’s King & Saviour.


v.1-13 – The arrival of the Holy Spirit and the declaration of the Gospel.
v.14-36 – Peter’s story of Salvation History:
v.14-21 – God’s Spirit is being poured out on His people. (Joel prediction)
v.22-35 – Because God’s Messiah has come, died & been resurrected. (David’s prediction)
v.36 – Therefore Israel needs to understand: the crucified and resurrected Jesus is God’s King & Saviour.
v.37-41 – The hope of Jesus, and the gift of the HS, is for all those who repent.
v.42-47 – A picture of the New Covenant Community, which God is building through His Spirit.


[ut_togglegroup] [ut_toggle title=”Verses 1-13″] This event, although involving mainly Jews, is nevertheless symbolically a reversal of Babel, and is a telling picture of what will be accomplished in the following centuries through the spread of the Gospel.

v.1 – Pentecost (properly, the fiftieth day after the Passover), the second of the three great Jewish festivals; celebrated at Jerusalem yearly, the seventh week after the Passover, in grateful recognition of the completed harvest (Exo. 23:16; Lev. 23:15f; Deut. 16:9): Acts 2:1; 20:16; 1 Cor. 16:8

v.3 – For the association of the Holy Spirit with fire, see Matt 3:2; Lk 3:16. In the OT, fire symbolises the presence of God, Ex 3:2ff

v.4 – While there is some confusion in parts of the New Testament (particularly 1 Corinthians) about what speaking in tongues is, it’s pretty clear here – they were speaking different languages.
[/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title=”Verses 14-36″] Note Peter’s constant reinforcement that “God did…”. He wants Israel to know that this is God’s doing, God’s fulfilment.

v.17-21 – The quotation is from Joel 2:28-32. In Joel it occurs after a locust plague had ravaged the land, creating a severe famine. Joel calls the people to repentance with the promise of forgiveness and the advent of the Day of the Lord and the Messianic Age.

v.25-28 – The quotation here is from Psalm 16:8-11 (LXX 15). Cf. Paul’s argument from the same Psalm in 13:34-37.

v.33 – The outpoured Spirit is the visible proof of the exaltation of Christ. “Just as the apostles were witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection, so the Jewish crowd itself was witness to the exaltation of Christ as they had witnessed the gift of the outpoured Spirit at Pentecost.” John Polhill

v.34 – See Mt 22:42ff; Mk 12:35ff; Lk 20:41ff for Jesus’ use of Psalm Ps 110. It was generally recognised as Messianic. See also 1 Cor 15:25; Heb 1:13; 5:6ff, also Heb 10:13; Rom 8:34; Eph 1:20,22; Col 3:1; 1 Peter 3:22. David did not really ascend into heaven to take his seat at God’s right hand, but Christ did. See Lk 22:69 for Jesus’ words.
[/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title=”Verses 37-41″] v.38 – Repentance was an essential aspect of Gospel preaching from the days of its first announcement. It still is.

v.38 – Baptism as an outward sign of repentance and remission of sins was not a new idea to those who heard Peter. In particular, they would have known of John’s baptism. The new feature of Christian baptism is that it is ‘in the name of Jesus’ and is associated with ‘the gift of the Holy Spirit’.

v.40 – By rejecting the Messiah (Lk 17:25) this ‘generation’ had come under the judgement of God (Mt 23:36; Lk 11:54). The only way of escape was to accept the good news, and with it, accept the Messiah.
[/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title=”Verses 42-47″] v.42 – “For NT testimony to the authority of the apostolic teaching cf 1 Cor 12:28; 14:37; Eph 2:20; 3:5. The apostles’ teaching was authoritative because it was delivered as the teaching of the Lord through the apostles.” F.F. Bruce

v.42 – “Its basic meaning is “association, communion, fellowship, close relationship.” In secular Greek it could involve the sharing of goods, and Paul seems to have used it this way in 2 Cor 9:13. It was also used of communion with a god, especially in the context of a sacred meal; and Paul used it in that sense in 1 Cor 10:16. Since it appears in a list in Acts 2:42, it is not easy to determine its exact nuance in this context. The key may be to see the the terms “breaking of bread” and “prayer” in apposition to “fellowship.” The meaning would then be that they devoted themselves to a fellowship that was expressed in their mutual meals and in their prayer life together.” John Polhill

v.42 – The breaking of bread is in all probability, a reference to the Lord’s Supper, but probably also in the context of more general eating together – an agape meal.

v.43 -The signs and wonders performed by the apostles are illustrated in the following chapters. “The apostles’ miracles, like those of their Lord, were ‘signs’ of the advent of the Messianic Age.” F.F. Bruce

v.44-45 – (Also see 4:32ff) Philip Hughes, reflecting on Acts 2:44,45, writes in his commentary on 2 Corinthians, “From its earliest days the Christian community at Jerusalem was extremely poor. The preaching of the apostles at Pentecost and in subsequent days led to the conversion of thousands of Jews. The material cost to these people of becoming Christians must have been immense. “Coming as they did from the background of Jewish fervour and exclusivism, in view of their conversion to Christianity they became victims of social and economic ostracism, ecclesiastical excommunication and national disinheritance. Their business enterprises must in most cases have collapsed in ruins and family bonds been heart-breakingly severed. “The situation to which this led was met by the touching and spontaneous manner in which the members of this young fellowship demonstrated their oneness of heart and soul by sharing their possessions and resources with each other.

v.46-47 – “The subsequent narrative of Acts will show that it did not always remain so [harmonious]. Sincerity sometimes gave way to dishonesty, joy was blotched by rifts in the fellowship, and the favour of the people was overshadowed by persecutions from Jewish officials. Luke’s summaries present an ideal for the Christian community which it must always strive for, constantly return to, and discover anew if it is to have that unity of spirit and purpose esential for an effective witness.” John Polhill
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What difference has the resurrection made in my own life, how I see my relationship with God?

  • Am I conscious of the role of God’s Spirit in my own life?
  • Am I open to being shaped by God’s Spirit, or resistant to it? (Examples?)


What difference has the resurrection made to my understanding & engagement with God’s people?

  • What does it look like to encourage the work of the Spirit in others at Village?
  • As someone who is being restored (i.e. not the finished product) by God’s Spirit, how do I forgive and encourage others who are going through the same process?
  • Given that our unity is in Jesus, and it’s about Jesus, how does that change how we see the purpose of God’s community and our engagement with it?


What changes can we (as a Community Group / Church) encourage so that when people look at us, they see the one whom God has made Lord & Saviour?

  • Do we use what we have for the good of those around us? What is that good?
  • Does what we speak about reflect what has made us who we are?
  • How does the hope of the resurrection free us in our decision making about life and the future?

Acts 1 – Community Group Study Notes

By Acts, Studies


The start of Acts is a transition between the resurrection & pentecost. There might have been the expectation that the kingdom of God would come with a flash, and that’d be it, but God has other ideas. His plan is to raise up people, give them His Spirit, and send them out into the world as witnesses of the risen Lord Jesus.


See the Acts GG Studies for some general background information on Acts.

You can’t read the start of Acts (in fact any of Acts) without putting it in the context of Acts Part I, Luke’s Gospel.

Luke begins his Gospel saying he spoke to eyewitnesses (Luke 1:2) and ends it with those who saw the risen Jesus saying they were to be “witnesses of these things” (24:48 – i.e. martyrs). Of the three scriptural necessities Jesus identifies in Luke 24:45-47 (1- The Christ will suffer; 2- Rise from the dead; 3- Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preaching in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem) the first two have come to pass. In the book of Acts we’ll see how the third of these comes to pass.

Structure / Flow

1:1-3 – The first book (Luke’s Gospel) was about the coming, death & resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus.
1:4-8 – The second book (Acts) is about the sending of God’s Spirit on His people so that they become witnesses to the ends of the earth.
1:9-14 – Waiting for God’s promised gift.
1:15-26 – The Completion of the Twelve.

Observations on Verses

v.1 – Note the “all that Jesus began to do and teach”. What we’ll see in Acts is what Jesus continued to do.
v.2 – The Apostles are the primary witnesses anointed by Jesus. And just as Jesus gives orders through the HS here, so in the next chapter he’ll pour it out on them. He is both the source and the giver.
v.3 – Luke’s writings are for Theophilus, and he’s at pains to make sure both the most excellent Theo, but also any other readers, are assured that what he writes is true and accurate.
v.4-5 – In line with OT prophesies such as in Ezekiel 36, the coming of the Kingdom of God would be accompanied by an outpouring of the Spirit of God. So just as his death & resurrection were foretold, so was the pouring out of God’s Spirit on all His people.
v.6-8 – Verse 8 is the key one. They will do two things, both of which are connected. They will receive power (in the form of the HS) and they will be Jesus’ witnesses. The connection here is important. Power is not some nebulous idea – it’s always connected to the HS. And the HS isn’t some strange force that does weird things – it’s purpose is to witness to the resurrected Christ. Acts will unfold how this happens.
v.9-14 – One of the marks of the new community throughout Acts is their unity, often in prayer and praise. (v.14)
v.15 – Numbers aren’t always significant…but they can be. The number “about 120” in this verse, just as the number of Apostles having to be 12, is significant. My hunch is that it’s making a statement about the new covenant. There were 12 tribes of Israel, and here we’re seeing the complement – 12 Apostles, and 120 (12*10) people who make up the first people of God. A new covenant, and a new people.
v.22 – Note how the 12 must be complete, and that the one who makes up the 12 must have been with Jesus and witnessed what he did, what he suffered and particularly his resurrection.


Two areas of application to explore:

1 – That what we see happening is not the work of men, but the work of God.

Reminder from Acts – every key event in Acts begins with the HS and/or Prayer (v.4, 14).

Prayer – 1:24; 8:14-17; 9:11-12; 10:4,9,30; 13:2-3

We are participants in God’s mission, and we can align ourselves with it and express our gifts in shrewd & smart ways…but it’s actually ultimately God who brings about his good purposes.

And the message of his mission is this – a resurrected King.

2 – That the work of God in this era is the declaration of the resurrected Jesus.

We are not eyewitnesses or earwitnesses. But we do witness through the proclamation of the eyewitnesses and the demonstration of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Krosswerdz Update

By news, updates


Since the end of 2014 is approaching, I though I would summarize Krosswerdz (Sth East Qld) year in a few short paragraphs.

This year saw a shift in focus as KW decided that we function most efficiently as a Para-church ministry. This means that we work ‘along side’ the church rather then acting ‘as a’ church. Our vision is for people to hear the Gospel and for them to be surrounded by a positive ‘God-loving’ network. Our end goal is for them to be planted in a Church where they are greatly surrounded by Christians who can help support them in their walk.

The following are events we held this year:

Mitchelton Presbyterian Church Krosswerdz Service
Salvo’s Fortitude Valley Krosswerdz Service
Salvo’s Forest Lake Krosswerdz Service
Brisbane Youth Detention Centre Krosswerdz Service x 2 (Around 75 kids each time)
Keperra Retirement Village (That’s right, my Nan hooked me up) – Shared about Jesus and Hip-Hop
Kruger Parade Baptist Church Youth Group
Mitchelton Presbyterian Youth
Dalby Presbyterian Youth
Inala Multicultural Baptist Outreach
Redbank Plains High School
Annerley Church of Christ Service
Forest Lake Baptist Church Combined Multi-Cultural Day
Goodna Salvation Army – Youth Week Performances
‘Rockup for Uprock’ Fundraiser
QTC College – Share with the ‘Ministry in a Youth Setting’ class
UPROCK Sydney trip

When you look at it, that’s quite a big year of events and relationship building. When Warren and myself got together recently to talk KW we decided it was time to plant something dedicated to Brisbane North.

This leads me to 2015.

Last Tuesday I had a meeting with Youth Outreach Services in Fortitude Valley and this Tuesday I’m meeting with Adam from ‘Cup From Above’ to talk about possible opportunities for the future. I would love for Brisbane North to have what we are running currently at Forest Lake. Our vision is to create an area where people feel safe to come and record their stories, a place where they will be surrounded by positive role models. This could grow into an opportunity for a Bible study and a bridge to KW services and outreaches where they can meet more and more people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus.

Secondly (popping back to the South Side) by the Grace of God alone, we have been asked to run a 6-week program in the Brisbane Youth Detention Center. This program will use Hip-Hop as a way of discussing faith and life with the young people. Please pray that God helps me to write up something that is relevant to the young people’s lives. A clear Gospel message that shines a light of hope despite some of the incredibly tough circumstances that they might find themselves in.

VILLAGE CHURCH!!! Thank you so much for supporting me in my traineeship the past few years. Thank you for the prayer and thank you for the servant hearted approach to KW.

I want to finish on this. When I walked into the Youth Detention center to share with 70 people about how Jesus transformed Zacchaeus’s life , I was nervous. I was nervous because I constantly doubt my skills in being about to share such a message. But it was then that I was encouraged by how great our God is. It was then that I was reminded that God is in control of all things and that I want to do this because of what he has done for me through Jesus. It was then that I remembered that the spirit is at work to cover all my needs. And it was also then that I was reminded of my Village family who has my back as a brother in Christ. That day I imagined all of us walking in there. I was well provided for. Praise God. How good!!!