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Treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19–34)

By As It Is In Heaven, Matthew, Talks


There are all sorts of things that can compete for our attention or affection. But Jesus wants to make sure we have a rock-solid relationship with our Heavenly Father. Therefore, he gives us the remedy to worry, so that we can focus on God clearly and be shaped by the concerns of his Kingdom alone.

Serving Expo

By Serving

At Village Church, we structure our different ministries in the categories of community-outreach-transformation-build. At our serving expo on Sunday, we gave you a chance to hear about each ministry, and to let us know if you’d like to serve in any particular areas.

If you’d like to give us any feedback, or how you’d like to serve at Village, you can let us know here. 


Community serving:

Outreach serving:

Transformation serving:

Build serving: