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How Can You Take the Bible Literally?

By Confronting Christianty: A Holiday Mini-Series, Talks

This week we are wrapping up our Holiday miniseries in confronting Christianity. The Bible is hands down the best-selling book of all time. It’s also the most misunderstood. So how can we take the Bible literally? The key is found in appreciating the many genres of Scripture and how they help us grasp, from many beautiful angles, the one true story of the Bible: the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Doesn’t Christianity Hinder Women?

By Confronting Christianty: A Holiday Mini-Series, Talks

We’re into our second talk in our Confronting Christianity series: Doesn’t Christianity Hinder Women? It’s fair to say that ‘religion’ & ‘women’s rights’ aren’t often used in the same sentence. And yet, in this talk we explore the basis for human rights; how Jesus elevated women in a way that was completely counter-cultural; therefore providing the foundation for the Christian church to champion women’s rights like no other historical movement has.

How Can a Loving God Allow So Much Suffering?

By Confronting Christianty: A Holiday Mini-Series, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week we are beginning our holiday mini-series, Confronting Christianity, in which we will wrestle with some of the bigger questions of the Christian faith and how we can live faithfully for Jesus in the greyer areas of life. This week, we’re going to be asking how a loving God could allow so much suffering in the world, and what hope or help is out there when we ourselves face the troubles and terrors of life?

David: A Life in Pictures (II Samuel 21-24)

By 2 Samuel, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week, we are wrapping up our series in II Samuel, as Jeremy brings to a close the longest biography from the ancient world – the story of King David. Throughout David’s story, we see in him the pinnacle of human ability for great good, as well as the depths of great evil – it can be hard to tell from his story of ups and downs what we are supposed to make of him in the end. As II Samuel wraps up through, we are presented with one final, and very intentional picture of David, as chooses to place his faith in God rather than men.

The Return of the King (II Samuel 19-20)

By 2 Samuel, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week, we are continuing our sermon series in II Samuel, as Sam walks us through the return of King David. The pattern of Davids life seems again and again to be suffering followed by glory, which is a pattern we also see in our great King, Jesus. We shouldn’t be surprised when this is the path for us who follow Jesus.

The Rejected Christ (II Samuel 15-18)

By 2 Samuel, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week, we are continuing our sermon series in II Samuel, as Phil takes a detailed look at how the story continues to play out between David and his son Absalom – another rejected Christ.  The ‘sword’ that God promised to always be against David’s family becomes more apparent as the sins of father and son alike lead to bloodshed and heartache, and again we find the answer to his heartache in the true anointed one, Jesus Christ.

A Broken Family (II Samuel 13-14)

By 2 Samuel, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week, we are continuing our sermon series in II Samuel with Pastor Sam taking us through some of the hardest passages in the bible. We look at the depths of sinfulness surrounding David as the effects of his own sin ripples outward and effects everyone around him. Thankfully, we also look at a powerful and merciful God who sent his only beloved Son to take our shame onto himself, so that we can be free in Christ.

David the Fallen (II Samuel 11-12)

By 2 Samuel, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week, we have come to a real turning point in our sermon series in II Samuel. We have witnessed God raise up King David, a man who seems to do no wrong. This week though, we watch as this anointed king falls into sin, proving he can not possibly be the promised messiah.

David the Great (II Samuel 8-10)

By 2 Samuel, Talks

Welcome to Village Church. We’re a community that’s all about loving Jesus and loving one another. To find out more, head to, we’d love to hear from you. This week, we are continuing our sermon series in II Samuel and Phil is taking a look at King David, a Christ at the height of his reign, as he extends such grace and love it almost sounds like Jesus himself. Almost.