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Mary’s Song (Luke 1:46-56)

By Christmas, Luke, Talks

In the lead up to Christmas, we’re going to be singing a lot of carols and Christmas songs. But in this three-week mini-series, we will be going all the way back to the original Christmas story, to hear some of the songs that were sung about the birth of Jesus. In this talk, we look at Mary’s song of joy and faith, and how it points us to the Christmas story.

A Tale of Two Sons (Isaiah 7:2-16)

By Isaiah, Talks

In this one-off talk before the carols, we see two young boys explain God’s kingdom to a proud and fearful king. Because God’s kingdom is so simple that even (or especially) a child can understand it: Trust in your Father, who has done provided everything for you in Jesus, and depend on him.

Surprised by Grace (Jonah 3)

By Jonah, Talks

Jonah finally arrived at Nineveh, and gives his sermon. And against all odds, the people turn to God. As a prophet, should have been Jonah’s dream. But God loves to work through weak and broken people to show his strength and glory. And so, God is powerfully at work, even through this reluctant, cold-hearted prophet.

In the Belly of the Beast (Jonah 2)

By Jonah, Talks

Last week, we saw that Jonah wants no part of God’s mission, or God’s calling for his life, and he runs in the opposite direction from God’s calling. Now, we see Jonah singing from the belly of a fish. What are we to make of this odd story, and what does it say to us about Jonah’s heart, and our own?

Running From Grace (Jonah 1)

By Jonah, Talks

We’ve just looked at the book of Habakkuk, and we saw the prophet go from questioning God’s plans to praising his name. Now in the book of Jonah, we meet an even more reluctant prophet. Jonah wants no part of God’s mission, or God’s calling for his life, and he runs in the opposite direction from God’s calling. As Sam starts this series for us, this question is posed to each of us: Where are you tempted to run from God’s calling in your life?