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My Peace I Give (John 14:15-31)

By John, Talks

Before he departed from his disciples, Jesus promised to give them another advocate, the Holy Spirit. Jesus had been an advocate for his disciples, walking alongside them and speaking truth on their behalf. But Jesus promised that the Spirit would dwell in the disciples, advocating to their hearts, and teaching them all things. In this talk, Mitch draws out what the work of the Holy Spirit is, and what it means for us to have him dwelling in our hearts and advocating for us today.

Believe Also In Me (John 14:1-6)

By John, Talks

Noticing his disciples’ anxiety about his departure, Jesus says to them “let not your hearts be troubled.” Jesus then gives them reasons not to worry: primarily, a home for them in God. In this talk Mitch explores how Jesus took on the burden of homelessness, and of alienation from God, to give believers a home. The talk also explores some practical ways to work through worry as a child of God.

Love One Another (John 13:21-38)

By John, Talks

As Jesus revealed the disciple who would betray him, he left the remaining twelve with a new command: love one another. While they were with Jesus, people could see that they were his followers, because they followed him everywhere. But after Jesus was readying to depart, he gave this new instruction, which would allow the world to know that they followed Jesus: their intimate, sacrificial love for each other. In this talk, Mitch challenges Village to be a church that is known for this, to be known for its love and care for one another.

Serve One Another (John 13:1-20)

By John, Talks

As we start our series in the second half of John, we hear these words: “Now… Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father.” From chapter 13, time slows, and Jesus looks forward to his death, resurrection and return to the Father. In this first talk, Mitch takes us through the significance of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, and what it means for Jesus to command us to do likewise. Jesus has given us the honour of spiritually nourishing one another, and pointing our Christian family back to our washing in Christ.

Habakkuk 3

By Habakkuk, Habakkuk, Talks

Habakkuk ends his book with a prayer of faith, even in times of lacking. “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines… I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.” In this final talk of the series, Sam challenges us to express our faith in prayer, singing and spiritual disciplines.

Habakkuk 2

By Minor Prophets, Talks

As we start a new year we have the opportunity to decide whether or not we want to live our lives puffed up with our own selves this year, or whether we want to live a life that’s dependant upon God – the object of our faith. In this talk, Sam unpacks Habakkuk 1:12-2:20 where we see another picture of Habakkuk crying out to God because of the shocking events he experiences in this world, and God’s patient and loving response that pushes us to consider what it means to be a righteous person living by faith.

Christmas: All God Wants for Christmas (Matthew 2)

By Joy to the World (Christmas), Talks

Christmas is a beautiful time where we give generously, love sacrificially, and eat too much food. But how often do we stop and reflect on what God wants for Christmas? In this talk, we see how God can use the most unlikely scenarios – even constipation! – to bring people to a place where they can see and recognise the worth of a little baby born in a watering trough.

Christmas: Humanity Revisited (Hebrews 2)

By Joy to the World (Christmas), Talks

In our new mini-series, titled “Joy to the World,” we’re peeling back the layers of familiarity that surround the Christmas story in order to get underneath the well-known nativity scene and gaze upon the many varied and beautiful reasons why Jesus came to earth. In this first talk, we celebrate Jesus who came to earth as a new representative for humanity – a Second Adam who came to our rescue in order to reverse the curse that the first Adam brought into this world through his rebellion against God. Because on Christmas day, the story of humanity was replayed, but this time with a completely different outcome!

Love’s Legacy (Ruth 4:13-22)

By Ruth, Talks

As the book of Ruth comes to a close, all language of grief and death is replaced by words of joy and life, as Naomi – who has experienced emptiness like no one else – has become full in the Lord. But the ending of Ruth leaves some major questions: what does hope look like for us? How does God work to create hope for those of us who might never experience the fullness that Naomi experienced? What about those of us who don’t have the sort of loving friendship that Ruth gave to Naomi? In this talk, Philip reveals how God is always at work in the shadows to create hope for his people – a hope that cannot be lost; will never be grieved. A great talk for anyone experiencing the loss of hope as this year comes to an end.